Author: KB

  • To the moon (and back)

    Today I went to Lightroom in London’s Kings Cross to see The Moonwalkers – an immersive video experience focused on the Apollo missions to the moon… and the Artemis II missions which intend to go back in 2026. It was a beautiful re-telling of a story I now know so well through the work I…

  • After Getting High: Getting Down

    As many of you will already know, I’m just beginning writing again. Through five works of non-fiction I’ve been wanting to follow my heart over to the other side, and I’m really thrilled that I’m going to have the chance to work on a novel this coming academic year. This has been made possible through…

  • In Which Mark Zuckerberg Says Facebook is the New Church, and We Are All Its Priests

    In a recent speech, Mark Zuckerberg has declared that Facebook is the new Church, and its users should all be like Priests. “Communities give us that sense that we are part of something bigger than ourselves, that we are not alone, that we have something better ahead to work for,” he noted, before adding that…

  • Dear Sky: Photographing North Korea’s Airline

    Really great series of photographs by Arthur Mebius, documenting ‘the planes and people of North Korea’s airline’,  previewed here.

  • Harry Potter and the Death of the Hallowed

    In celebration of 20 years since the first Harry Potter book was published, I thought it’d be a good chance to look back to one of my own offerings  in which I offered a radical reading of Potter’s relationship to his magical art. During a short speaking tour on Mutiny in the US with Peter Rollins,…

  • Cathedral of the Pines


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    If you happen to be around London over the next couple of months, I’d highly recommend going to The Photographers’ Gallery near Oxford Street to catch this (rare) exhibition of Gregory Crewdson’s new series of photographs. And, though they look more like paintings by Hopper, these are photographs. The technical set-ups for each shot require Hollywood…