Gravity and Grace (3) | DIY Heaven

HeavenOr… as I finished the previous post, perhaps we shouldn’t try to escape the gravity of this large mass.

Herzog’s film is a satirical critique of the ‘don’t worry about the environment, we’ll all eject to some other system’ view. We can’t. And if we did, it’d be tragic.

The earth is what we have. Creation is a gift. We shouldn’t be looking to trash it and leave it. We should be deeply caring for it now. And this, I think, is the central theme of Wild Blue Yonder: between the oceans below and above, the dark and weightless places where the film draws its footage, lies a delicate and wonderful earth. An earth we see in all its dirty glory in the closing sequence.

And this, in the end, must also be our attitude to the Church  – to this body of Christ that we often find crumbling and inhospitable. It’s what we have, and we have to make it work. Heaven will not be sent to us. And we will not be whisked away up to it. We build it here. Now.

Image: Lightproofbox


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3 responses to “Gravity and Grace (3) | DIY Heaven”

  1. and what do we think Heaven is? A way to get away from all the Godless people?
    Get along now.
    It’s a long eternity.

  2. I love the title of this short series… It’s an invitation to further metaphor and free-association. By the way, GRACE is the name of the satellite pair that detect minute changes in gravity: see for instance

  3. That’s a great link – thanks!
    ‘Gravity and Grace’ is actually the name of a book I’m dipping into by the activist/writer Simone Weil. Strange and wonderful.