Wild Goose | US Edition of Other



I got back from Wild Goose early yesterday morning and had to travel immediately to work to teach. So just about emerging from a jet-lagged coma and appreciating what a good time, and a good thing, Wild Goose was.

The dream of having an ‘American Greenbelt’ seemed – to talk to lots of US people – an impossible one at times, but it really did happen. There was a great spirit to the event, and though it was small, it had all of the right ingredients to grow properly in the right directions.

It was especially nice for me to hook up with people from the US who are familiar with my work, and to hear about people’s enthusiasm for ‘Other’ and my posts here – thank you, encouragement is so good!

I hope people continue to enjoy the US edition of ‘Other’ which came out recently. Do get a review onto Amazon if you have time. I’d love to spend more time in the US pushing the book and speaking about it, but it’s down to you guys now, so thanks in anticipation to anyone who’s spread the word. I’ll post the audio of my talk as soon as I get time.

I do hope to be back over sometime soon, and have talked about doing a ‘pirates and pyrotheology’ tour with Pete Rollins. But we’ll see. Was great to hook up with so many people – and here’s to Wild Goose 2012.


3 responses to “Wild Goose | US Edition of Other”

  1. Kester, great to see you again. One of the great blessings of WGF was how many of you came from the UK, Australia, and New Zealand to bless us at our first Goose.

    (And thanks for the book!)

  2. I just want to second Tony’s thanks and appreciation to you, Kester, and to all who came from abroad to bless us at our first attempt at this thing called Wild Goose Festival. It was hugely encouraging for many of us. And I’m just a big fan of yours. In many ways, your book “Signs of Emergence” carried me through the last few years of wandering in the wilderness, and for that I’m deeply grateful.

    Here’s a video I shot of you reading your poem at the geo-dome session:

    I hope Pete and others (myself included) are able to find a way to get you back State-side again soon. I would love to have more of your voice influencing the North American church.

  3. It was a genuinely good festival. It worked really well. And it was a privilege to come and share with you. Thanks for the encouragement Steve – and the video link… Link above broke, so try this

    Look forward to getting back to the US – and getting you over here Tony!