Tag: Quotations

  • The 3rd Economy: Gift, Market and Plunder [1] | Christian Leadership and the Leisure Class

    As some of you may know, I’ve been working on a novel for the past few months, playing with themes, among others, of the links between identity and consumption. One of the books I’ve picked up to feed the furnace has been Thorstein Veblen’s 1899 satire Conspicuous Consumption (an excerpt from his longer work The…

  • The Last Post…


    …is due. According to the Financial Times. “…which brings us to the spectre haunting the blogosphere – tedium. If the pornography of opinion doesn’t leave you longing for an eroticism of fact, the vast wasteland of verbiage produced by the relentless nature of blogging is the single greatest impediment to its seriousness as a medium”…

  • Forget Flushing – Use Less


    I recently posted a piece taking up Mayor of London Ken Livingstone’s advice to only flush when really necessary. Thanks to Jon who’s just mail me this piece from The Guardian. It’s pretty shocking. All that lovely coffee you drink? The rice we eat? The water required to produce these goods is astronomical. As a…

  • Solition | Endings | Merton

    Just spent the weekend with Si and Gareth over in Northern Ireland. Good to see Pete Rollins too (his book is going to go ballistic). They also had the guys over from The Bridge in Ventura for a few days, and it was excellent to spend time hanging out, doing some Guinness, and doing the…

  • Studying Religion

    “Some people are sure that the world would be a better place without religion. I am not persuaded, because I cannot yet characterise anything that could replace it in the hearts of most human beings. (Perhaps we should try to eliminate music while we’re at it. It inflames the passions and seduces many young people…

  • “Wires and Lights in a Box” | Good Night and Good Blogging

    This is doubtless old news for those Stateside, but Good Night and Good Luck has just been released here, and I have to say, I was very impressed. As my wife and I left the cinema many people were, like us, asking “so what did you make of that then?” A film that has no…