It was both a great privilege and great fun to interview Lord Tim Clement-Jones as part of the expert AI conversations that I am putting together.
Tim is one of the leading voices in the House of Lords around AI regulation and online safety, and brings great wisdom and passion – and wit – to the debates he’s spoken in.
What i didn’t (honestly!) know was that he is also a great fan of the book.
“I read it cover to cover! It is excellent. The historical and mythical narrative is a crucial part of how we understand AI and its risks.”
The interview is being edited up now. In the meantime, I do recommend Tim’s book: Living with the Algorithm – Servant or Master? – which is a very clear-sighted explanation of why and how AI should be regulated, and what progress is being made.

What you’ll find in the interview – and the book – is that Tim is an optimist. I ask him why, and it’s good to see someone with a deep understanding of the law make the case for the law really working to rein in the huge power of Google, OpenAI, Microsoft and others.
Very much looking forward to other interviews coming up soon…