Predictions | 2010 | 2020


I’ve been thinking about what this new year and new decade might hold for us, and thought I’d stick my neck out and make some predictions. In line with some of the major themes of this blog I’ve gone for something from categories of: technology, faith, environment, politics… and the personal. Some tongue-in-cheek, some serious. You decide which!

5 Predictions for 2010:


Googlewave will be seen as a failure, which will lead to some interesting debate about the limitations of online spaces for collaboration. Twitter will discuss having to pay for its service. Apple will launch a tablet device, and people will moan about how easily the screen breaks.


The Anglican church will not schism, not this year. The growth of small intentional, post-congregational communities will be picked up and reported by a national newspaper.


We will have the hottest day in the UK since records began, and the wettest. But hand-wringing will lead to little further action on climate change.


Labour will win the general election, but only with support from the Lib Dems. Brown will not survive the year, but will resign for family reasons rather than be actually ousted.


I’ll release a book called ‘Other – Loving God, Self and Neighbour in a World of Fractures’ and both people who read it will love it. I’ll get a short story published too. This will make me happy.

5 Predictions for the decade to 2020:


Devices will begin to have disappeared and been absorbed into our bodies. It will not be science fiction or dystopian, but we will be human+. An anti-enhancement movement will be well established, and have bought land to establish a neo-Luddite community of 1000+ people.
Google will be frighteningly powerful.


Our understanding of neuroscience and of the workings of the brain will have a huge impact on our understanding of spirituality and community. Islam will begin to grapple with the issue of homosexuality within the Ummah. The vast majority of those who call themselves Christian will not attend ‘church,’ even though there will be female bishops. Andrew Jones will be blogging from the moon.


Climate change will not be fully addressed until a major climate-related event impacts both a large western city – probably in the US – and one in China. Migration of the poor away from low-lying coastal areas will be a huge problem. Vegetarianism will be much more the norm in the UK.


There will be a reasonably stable peace agreement between Israel and Palestine, brought about towards the end of a second Obama term of office. One has to have hope…


I’ll have a novel published. This will make me very happy.

[Great image from Valpnow]


2 responses to “Predictions | 2010 | 2020”

  1. I can not wait for both books



  2. mount_doom

    found the idea entertaining. Like the original ones, only some are serious, the others are somewhere in between joke, irony and satire.

    5 Predictions for 2010:


    Internet services will become more and more commercialised. Newspapers and other info channels will be at the forefront, followed by all what is “hip” on the web (no matter if web 1.0 or web 2.0)


    New legislation (e.g. anti-discrimination stuff) will shift attention and tone in ongoing debates.


    Lower than expected humidity and temperature will be explained by low solar activity “having no impact on the general tendency”, but the message will not reach people’s ears and hearts.


    Labour will lose the elections and the new government’s politics will look more similar to Labour’s politics than everyone expected.


    I will continue to work as usual, without knowing what little I will have for myself from all the money I might earn.

    5 Predictions for the decade to 2020:


    Control and observation in all areas of public and even private life will reach new heights..


    Many secularised and even religious Europeans convert to Islam. Aversion against Christianity regardless of factions and traditions becomes more and more intense in Europe.


    The Yellowstone super-volcano erupts, leaving all discussion and controversy about climate-change in the dust…


    Trust in politicians in the West falls to new lows Populists of all sorts take advantage of that…


    Only a few years left till I reach proper age for retirement…