
Don’t get it.

Don’t want to.

Hope I never will.

Ditto any other ‘microblogging’ nonsense.

It’s ever-more candyfloss communication in an age of increasingly vacuous relationships.

No content:No thanks.


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4 responses to “Twitter”

  1. With you on this one Kester. Seems a bit pretentious that others might be interested in what I am doing at any given moment. My life isn’t that exciting – not sure anyone’s is!

  2. Yeah, I don’t really get it either. It’s not very interesting!

  3. ! 🙂 And the reason you succumbed is…?

  4. Good question… which probably boils down to it’s utter simplicity in the face of the ever-expanding and octopus that is facebook. And a realisation that it’s not microblogging. With carefully selected follows, it’s been a very good way of just keeping up to date on what a small network of friends are doing. Hold my hands up – I was wrong. I now recommend it!