Welcome to the World…




Iris 1Iris Frankie Brewin, born 27th Feb.

7lb 8oz.

At home.

All well.

Could be quiet around this blog.

It sure isn’t at home ๐Ÿ˜‰


11 responses to “Welcome to the World…”

  1. Fabulous!
    she looks highly evolved ๐Ÿ˜‰
    sweetest of girls
    you are here with us
    bringing us news of new worlds
    reminding me of that fresh start
    that new world is
    in me
    that bright day with all our love
    thank you for that
    so much given
    with such small hands
    a wonder!

  2. Congratulations Kester – enjoy!

  3. she is beautiful
    welcome baby iris

  4. Dana Ames

    Congratulations and virtual hugs!

  5. many congratulations to you and beki.

  6. No longer emerging, but emerged!
    She looks lovely.

  7. good work Kester – congrats.

  8. Congrats on the new child. I lurk at your blog and appreciate your insights. We have two lil ones at home and believe me, there is still time, it becomes theraputic when you have kids…blogging, that is.

  9. Congratulations to all three of you… may her life be a blessing to you and to all she meets!

  10. Thanks everyone… Feeling much loved.
    She’s a special little girl; a real blessing.
    This little advent is over, and we’re really excited about what new things are going to emerge round here. That is, the emerging stuff that isn’t gooey and needs cleaning up ;-p

  11. Congratulations!