Wise Words | Dost Thou Blog Too Much? (2)

In response to the previous post, a link from Daniel to a wonderful cartoon at ‘Gaping Void‘:


Mike commented on the last post that we all just need RSS readers. I don’t think the volume of information is the problem; I do think this cartoon is right on the money.

It reminds me of the story of two Hindu women who tried to get round their alms giving obligation by simply giving alms to each other, back and forth… And ‘became a well so bitter that no one could drink from it.’

The problem has gone beyond dealing with information, but the massive volume of guff, and the incestuous insularity of a lot of it.

It seems to me that there is a whole lot of posting, and not a lot of reading/reflecting. Everyone gabs on about this great Emerging Church ‘conversation’ when it often really feels like a small room full of people all talking at once. Posting less means we shut up for a bit and let others talk, let words sink in and let proper content get some air to breathe. This is what you do in a conversation: speak a bit, listen a lot, reflect and respond. I think we need some more of that. [So now I’ll shut up.]

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9 responses to “Wise Words | Dost Thou Blog Too Much? (2)”

  1. I went to GodBlog in So Cal last fall. It gathered people who brought their same competitive hunter/gatherer ways with them. I can’t compete. I circled their writing for a while and then went back to my marginalized “devotional” writing. It is hard to gift no matter what our medium.

  2. I don’t think you can generalise about blogging too much. I would have thought it depends upon whether the individual has got anything to say. I post every day and feel no shame. (I’m not implying I have anything to say you understand.)
    I think quite a few of the ’10 wise words’ are quite dubious if I’m to be honest. “Traffic is irrelevant to your blog’s success anyway”. Hmmm. Again, surely you can’t generalise. It depends what your aims are. If you’ve got some kind of a message to get out there then surely traffic is far from irrelevant. I’m thinking about blogging generally rather than just the ’emerging church conversation’ here.
    By the way I suspect Hugh appreciates a link when his cartoons are posted. (The Union demands that I stick up for my colleagues.)

  3. Doh – sorry. Corrected. Quite right too Dave – now *that’s* conversation!
    And you’re right – I think it does depend on context. I think the traffic comment may be valid though if you get stacks of hits, but no interaction… Just heavy lurking. This suggests a) not a lot of reading or b) not very interesting content.

  4. I dont post too often. Life happens, and blogging doesnt pay the bills. I also find that I dont have something that interesting or substantial to say most of the time. Because of this I tend to let my fingers rest until I actually have something to contribute and bring to the conversation. Most of the times when I post something that evokes a lot of thought, I will wait about a week to let it sink in before I post again. I dont want to move on to another topic too quickly. I’d like to give people the oportunity to meditate and muse on the words and offer their opinions. I am excited about Soliton in August and looking forward to meeting you. My friend Jared met you a couple months ago while he was in the UK with Greg and the other Bridge guys while you were “doing” the Soliton there. Any chance you will bring your book along for us Americans to purchase?

  5. I appreciate your candour in pointing to “insularity” and the dire need for proper reading and reflecting. In that process some critical discernment is needed about the open interactive nature of “conversation” who is admitted, who is ignored or excluded. Discernment is also needed as to whether the cultural exegesis is in need of deepening, and discerning the missional-apologetic issues prompted by engaging with people who are not disciples of Christ. They pose issues that form in part the unpaid bills of the church. I’ve yet to see much interest in discussing those matters.

  6. Excellent thoughts Phil. I think a lot of people – as Suzanna has pointed out – get excluded because of the media being used. And I do think things need to get ‘deeper’. But it’s hard to get deep in 300 words…. People rarely seem to read posts longer than that!
    Good policy too Ryan.
    I had an excellent time meeting Jared and co. at Soliton – and really looking forward to coming out in the summer. I’ll bring some copies of the book though:
    – you can buy it before (click link above left)
    – I’ve got a US release coming… next summer!
    Look forward to hooking up.

  7. damnflandrz

    I absolutley hate blogging. I tried it on and off but never have much to say. Now SPAMMING is fun, cos i’m good at talking shit and sometimes it makes sense to someone. I’ve always viewed the Net as a great opportunity to spread yer wares around the place. So my sites just sit there. I can give out addresses for people who ask me such and such a question and need a considered answer (one I prepared earlier stuffed on one of my sites) rather than a knee-jerk or bullshit one that I love to give.
    Also I have randomly made contacts and even friends as a result of “I’m feeling lucky” on Google. They have found my stuff by clicking that button!!!!
    Conversation may be the key, though. Although,Kester,I’ve told you this before and I’ll tell you again… you are misusing these numbers and letters. Instead of writing with them you CODE with them. This allows you to create online games where you can speak on coms and blow the crap out of people all over the world (in a virtual game – rather than in the Bush sense).
    The forum is dead,long live Gaming!!!!
    Or, at least, the Forum/Blog is only one way to meet and greet on the internet. Porn is obviously the most popular, but Gaming comes in there just below Gambling and Funny Videos.
    What was the topic again and who let me in here?

  8. Shame. I was rather looking forward to Wise Words | Dost Thou Blog Too Much? (3), (4), (5) and (6).