Foolishness to The Greeks

The next Grace service is on tonight, and promises to be a mix of their usual explorative worship tricks, with an Ortho-twist. Having forged links with the local Greek community in Ealing, Jonny, Steve Collins et al have invited the neighbourhood’s Greek Orthodox congregation to join them at Grace.

08.10.04 Priest 194

The theme will be ‘foolishness’, and apparently will try to persuade them that they need to explore more emerging Church ideas within their own tradition. Jonny has promised to go ‘incarnational/trickster’, and sport an ‘Orthodox’ beard and cassock for the occasion, and Mike the Hat will doubtless have some new mitre to play with. The Junior Bakers are due to act as servers.

Don’t miss.

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8 responses to “Foolishness to The Greeks”

  1. cheers for putting this up Kester…
    would be great to see some more people at Grace than the usual Danish youth workers.
    glad to see that the vaux crew is back in action again this sunday – I hope the weather holds for you.

  2. Dana Ames

    I would greatly appreciate it if you would post your impressions of this afterwards, or email me. I think this is significant.

  3. It was a wonderful time.
    Jonny was great in his beard, and is well on his way to becoming beatified. Even Jenny got into the spirit and donned some pognographic attire. They got right into the night-lites, but weren’t so keen on the iPod mixing.

  4. thanks for the update donut king!

  5. Mike the Hat

    always good to uncover a new market.
    for new donut action.

  6. Ben Cohen

    An unqualified (or should I say “unfetta’d”? No, perhaps I shouldn’t) success – thanks to everyone involved.
    I’m sorry to say that I’m probably going to have to call off next month’s snake-handling special pentecost Gracelet; unfortunately the avian flu scare has meant a big clamp-down at customs. ‘Ananais’ and ‘Sapphira’ are still in their cardboard box with holes in, somewhere near Folkestone. If anyone has suitable reptillian replacements, could they please let me know asap.

  7. Dang. Sorry to hear that. Looking forward to the Lot’s Wife Salt-lick making station at your ‘Just Sodom’ service in June.