Emerging Leadership Day | Churchless Faith Follow-up Book

Two quick links:

Firstly, I am looking forward to sharing some thoughts on leadership in emerging organizations at the blah… learning day.


I’ll be joined by Maggi Dawn, who will reflect on trying to re-imagine leadership in the ancient structures of the Anglican church and Ana Draper of L8R, who has recently completed her MSc in psychoanalysis, guiding us in some thoughts about leadership from a psychoanalytical/theological perspective.

It’s on 29th April at Moot Towers, St. Matthew’s  London SW1P 2BU

To find out more and to book a place visit blah leadership learning day.

Secondly I’m really excited to hear that the follow-up to Alan Jamieson’s groundbreaking book ‘A Churchless Faith‘ is set for release very soon.

Five Years On Cover.Jpg “This follow-up to A Churchless Faith is both fascinating and disquieting – fascinating because it shows that people rarely stand still in their journey of faith, whether or not they attend church. And disquieting because it underscores once again just how irrelevant or unhelpful the institutional church has become for so many reflective and intelligent believers today. This book provides further valuable insights into the growing phenomenon of church leavers, whose protest the church ignores at its own peril” – So says Dr Chris Marshall (St. John’s Senior Lecturer in Christian Theology, Victoria University, Wellington)

Stay posted by visiting Prodigal Kiwis often – the excellent blog by Alan Jamieson and Paul Fromont. Good people. Fine thinkers.

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