Whole Foods Coming… At What Price?

Very interesting article in The Independent today about the arrival of Whole Foods – a US supermarket chain – in the UK.

They sell all organic, wholesome food, and they have just become the US’s biggest exponent of renewable energy by off-setting all of their energy use against renewable energy purchases. Very commendable.

However, what use is that when you are still selling apples from South Africa and Pears from Chile and Mangoes from South America? Do they have a food-miles policy? I would really hope so. We’re just in the process of buying seed for our new allotment, so won’t be shopping there, or anywhere else let’s hope, come spring 😉


2 responses to “Whole Foods Coming… At What Price?”

  1. Not to mention they are very expensive. Here in Vancouver we call them Whole Paycheque.


    Ah but isn’t that the problem? Our Western lifestyle has just started to intergrate non-mod food and so on, but we are only doing it because it’s better for us… we still don’t see that it’s better for us to buy Fair, not Free. And, to be honest, we probably never will until we become equally impoverished… which I’m thinking may happen when Japan starts recalling in its debts. 😉