Guest Authors 1 – Jonathan Rabagliati

Over the past few weeks I’ve been speaking to people about doing some guest posts on the site… so you don’t all get bored of my input, and to throw some dirt around this place. Can get too sterile when it’s a lone voice!

So there are some others who will be posting in the near future. Artists, emerging church voices, dissenters, designers… We’ll see who agrees and let things roll.

First up is Jonathan Rabagliati. I first met Jonathan installing a concrete floor in a stable-block at Greenbelt. Which had a concrete floor anyway. But it just wasn’t quite right. Particular, inspirational, thoughtful, interested, interesting, unique… Jonathan is an artist who has defied all attempts to get him into normal work. And the world is far the better for it. One-time Vaux coconspirator, he has recently completed post-graduate studies at the Royal College of Art. Some of his work is still to be found in pavements all over town – prompting a BBC radio investigation into who the hell was digging up slabs and replacing them with finely rendered text. He recently edited the highly acclaimed George Hanson Critical Forum and is guilty of introducing me to the theory of complexity. Blame him then. And enjoy his thoughts.