Month: September 2009

  • Feast on the Bridge

    Really nice day up on the South Bank at the Feast on the Bridge. Southwark Bridge was closed to traffic, and tables were set up along its length for people to bring and share food. People with hats full of salad and herbs wandered around adding to meals, and fantastic stalls sold everything from oysters…

  • A Plea for Christian Piracy [4]

    [ Piracy 1 ] [ Piracy 2 ] [ Piracy 3 ] Pirates are so hated by corporations because they represent a critique of the capitalist establishment, an insurrection by those who have been marginalised by the supertanker of economic growth and greed. It is well known that pirates robbed ships and made off with…

  • A Plea for Christian Piracy [3]

    [ Piracy 1 ] | [ Piracy 2 ] In the previous two posts I’ve been trying to build an argument that piracy functions not as the enemy of all mankind (hostis humanis generis) but as the shadow of mankind: umbris humanis generis. As rebels against a social order that is oppressing them, those who…

  • A Plea for Christian Piracy [2]

    [ Piracy 1 ] In the previous post I set out the tension between the godly meditations that St Paul urged us to – whatever is good, and pure etc. – and the raucously popular stories about pirates that outsold everything else in a bookshop around St Paul’s Cathedral. In Captain Johnson’s A General History…

  • A Plea for Christian Piracy [1]

    Following a piece I recently wrote for Third Way magazine, and a connected talk at Greenbelt, I wanted, over the course of a few posts, to set out some of the ideas around piracy that are percolating through the new book. We begin with a paradox: why do we encourage our children’s fascination with such…

  • Pestival

    Some photos of the ‘Pestival’ that was going on on London’s South Bank last night. Don’t ask too many questions… Just lots of insect-related madness to highlight our dependence on, relationship with and myth-making about what are essentially going to be the heirs when us higher mammals screw this world up. Get the flash player…