Gaza: Christian Bookseller Murdered | US: Pastors Use ‘Shoot ’em Up’ Halo Game to Attract Teens



Two stories on two pages in the Independent today:

Gaza’s only Christian bookseller has been murdered by the Righteous Swords of Islam. As if Gaza didn’t have enough problems, these fundamentalists think they’re saving the world by killing off Christians. There are only 3000 or so left.

While in the US, ‘church groups across the country are holding special “Halo 3” gaming nights‘. Said one, “Halo is all about saving the galaxy from an invading force of aliens. And saving the world is Jesus’ message.”

This world is too f*cked up for me sometimes. I want to get off.


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One response to “Gaza: Christian Bookseller Murdered | US: Pastors Use ‘Shoot ’em Up’ Halo Game to Attract Teens”

  1. melanie macdonald

    i dont even know what to say to that. messed up.