Sanctuary and Dereliction…


I’m going to be away from Saturday until the following weekend. Holiday in Wales, then to Manchester on Thursday 20th to speak at Blah… on Cities, God and the Urban etc. Be good to see people there.

In the mean time, many thanks to Saga (more of soon) for the link to these wonderful images of derelict santuaries, somehow given timely power by the government’s announcement that they may be taking away the right for people to flee to churches and claim sanctuary.


3 responses to “Sanctuary and Dereliction…”

  1. I’ll look forward to catching up with you at Blah Manchester Kester. Cheers, Malcolm

  2. I too am looking forward to hearing you tomorrow… if it’s any good I might even buy this book that everyone seems to be talking about…

  3. Will be there tonight … Cheers,Richard